6" Zebra Potted Plant
6" Zebra Potted Plant
C$19.95 CAD

6" Zebra Potted Plant

CAD 19.95 Excl. tax

Zebra plant is loved for its unique dark green leaves striped with white veins. The jewel of this plant is its colorful flowers. When in bloom, late summer or early autumn, it bears tall golden bracts (2-4) that reach several inches & last up to 6 wks.

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Product description


  • Slow-growing plant, reaching maturity at a couple feet tall in three years.
  • Thrive in indirect light or partial shade, as they're used to growing under a canopy of trees in warm and humid climates. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch and should be avoided, but complete shade can mean that your plant won't bloom.
  • Will grow best in soil that is neutral to acidic. A multi-purpose potting blend is adequate for a zebra plant—you can also incorporate sand into the mixture to ensure that it drains well. If a flowering plant is your goal, feed using fertilizer every one to two weeks during its growing season (spring and summer).
  • Prefer consistently moist soil, which may take a bit of finesse, as overwatering can cause the leaves to wilt. It's recommended that you water your zebra plant to saturation every few weeks (or as you observe the soil drying out), allowing the water to completely penetrate the soil until it runs out of your container's drainage holes. Your water temperature should be slightly lukewarm so it mimics the variables of a drenching rainstorm in warmer climates, but only water under the leaves, never from above.
  • Grow best in moderate temperatures—their grow location should reach at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and never dip below 55 degrees.
  • Humidity is also important to the zebra plant, so its space should be kept at 60 to 70 percent humidity. If these conditions cannot be achieved naturally indoors, you can increase moisture levels by using a humidifier. You can also mist your zebra plant lightly with lukewarm water from a spray bottle. Overall, strive to maintain an even temperature for your plant. Avoid high fluctuations in either direction and keep it away from any vents that could make it too hot or too cold (such as a radiator or air conditioner).
  • During its peak growth season (typically spring and early summer), the zebra plant should be fed every one to two weeks using a fertilizer that is well-suited to both foliage and flowers.
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